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Right Click Tools
Main Menu > Tools
Advertisement Status ReportLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on an advertisment and run the Status of Advtertisment Report.
Cache Size Last Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer or a collection and change the cache size.
Client Actions Last Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer or a collection and force the computer(s) to Clear Cache, Run Polcy, or Inventory.
Add Computer to CollectionLast Modified: 11/29/2019
This tools has two parts. It will allow you to add a computer to multiple collections or mulitple computers to a single collection. This will also give you the ability to right click on a computer in a query as well.
Collection ListingLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer or user and see what collection that resource is in as well as what maintanence window is associated with it.
Computer ManagementLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer and launch the Computer Manager for the remote machine
GUID LocatorLast Modified: 11/29/2019
If you're building or moving console extensions to SCCM 2007, you may find that it can be difficult to identify the proper GUID to enable the extension in the desired location. For starters, be sure to download and review the documentation in the SCCM 2007 SDK. Search the SDK for the section titled How to Find a Configuration Manager Console Node GUID. As you can see from reviewing that document, search AdminConsole.xml located in the *SCCMInstallDir*\AdminUI\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot\AdminConsole.xml file to identify the pr
Show all AdvLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on any package and view all advertisements created for that Package. It shows all advertisements using Web report ID 132. This web report also has linked report for advertisement status (ReportID 111), so you can quickly look at the status of all advertisments right there.
Rich HouchinsLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Status MessagesLast Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer or user and pull up the status message for the resource.
Web Reports Last Modified: 11/29/2019
Right click on a computer or a collection and run the reports.